Following a very successful initial meeting last year in Cardiff, the Wales for Africa Health Links Group Conference 2008 will be held at the Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea on June 27th.
The theme of the meeting will be “Increasing the Impact of Health Links”. We wish to explore how existing Wales-Africa health links may be able to join together, and also work with others, to increase their contribution towards achieving Millennium Development Goals.
During the morning session, there will be a series of short presentations from a variety of different Wales-Africa health links. Each will describe :
- aims and main activities
- achievements to date by Wales partners
- achievements by Africa partners
- where we want to be in 5 years
- opportunities for collaboration with other links
In the afternoon, there will be a series of short presentations from “Interest Group Representatives” such as the pharmaceutical industry, larger NGOs and the private sector as to their activities in Africa and how they see links might increase their impact. The day will finish with an open “question and answer” forum.
The conference is being supported by the Wales for Africa Initiative of the Welsh Assembly Government.