Need Help?
If you’d like to find out more about Swansea Gambia Link
or discuss how you might be able to support us, we would love to hear from you.
Send us a message

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Write to us
Swansea Gambia Link
Swansea University Medical School
Grove Building
Singleton Park
Please be aware that Swansea Gambia Link is run by current first-year medical students. If we don’t get back to you right away please don’t think we’re not delighted to hear from you, we may just be away on clinical placements so take a bit longer to reply. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Frequently Asked Questions
#1. What is Swansea Gambia Link?
Swansea Gambia Link is a student-lead organisation set up to support medical education in Wales and The Gambia.
#2. How can I get involved?
There are loads of ways you can get involved with SGL. Whether it’s fundraising, education, participating in events, organising projects or just a simple donation, your help is always appreciated.
#3. Can I go to The Gambia?
Every year, twenty four medical students from Swansea University are selected to go to Gambia across two trips. This includes twelve committee and twelve non-non-committee. You can apply to join the committee in your first year to guarantee yourself a place. The remaining places are given in second year to those who have supported SGL.
#4. Are you a charity?
We are currently considering applying for charitable status. This is a lengthy process but if decided, we aim to achieve charitable status in 2024.
#5. Who pays?
The Swansea to Gambia exchange is funded by the Welsh Health Board. The Gambia to Swansea exchange is funded entirely by Swansea Gambia Link, which is why we fundraise all year round.
#6. Can I make a donation?
Every little helps. We’re always welcoming donations. You can donate via our website using PayPal, or please email our treasurer to arrange another payment method.
Want to get involved?
Whether you’re a medical student, researcher, business, charity or
a member of the general public, there’s loads of ways you can get involved
and support what we do.